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Woodsy Owl

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Woodsy Owl's ABC's Stickers

Children love stickers! These stickers feature artwork from the Woodsy Owl's ABC's book. A great item to give to kids along with the Woodsy Owl's ABC's Book. Made from recycled materials. Each image is die-cut so you can place each image separately where you would like. They are on a clear vinyl sheet. You can easily remove them to place them somewhere else.

Woodsy Owl's ABC's Supplement Book

The Woodsy Owl's ABC's preschool supplement is for use by educators. Picking up where Woodsy Owl's ABC's book leaves off, it suggests ways that children can start exploring some of the topics in the book. The series of activities and resources can help children explore some of the topics covered in the Woodsy Owl's ABC's book. Through an active involvement with their environment, children will gain an awareness and appreciation of the beauty of the world around them. To purchase the Woodsy Owl's ABC's book look for SKU 99250 (English) and SKU 99328 (Spanish).

Woodsy Owl's "Help Keep Our Water Clean" Coloring Sheet

Woodsy Owl coloring sheet.

If I flew over your school, what would I see?

Woodsy Owl Coloring Sheet.

Woodsy Owl's "Lend a Hand # 1" Coloring Sheet

Woodsy Owl Coloring Sheet.

Woodsy Owl's "Lend a Hand #2" Coloring Sheet

Woodsy Owl Coloring Sheet.

Woodsy Owl "Plant a Tree" Coloring Sheet

Woodsy Owl Coloring Sheet.

Woodsy Owl "Clean Air is Great" Coloring Sheet

Woodsy Owl Coloring Sheet.

Woodsy Owl Certificate of Appreciation

Woodsy Certificate of Appreciation.