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Woodsy Owl

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Woodsy Owl Carpenter Pencils

This natural wood look carpenter pencil reminds you to "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land.". Pencil sharpeners are available also, see SKU 99348.

Woodsy Owl Magnifying Glasses

Woodsy encourages caregivers and teachers to use the outdoors as a learning classroom. This magnifying tool will help children discover and learn while performing "detective work" on a small patch of earth or on a tree trunk. Children will discover all the living creatures that live there. Made from recycled materials.

Woodsy Owl Metal Sign

This sign is made of aluminum and is non-reflective. It has holes punched in the top center and bottom center for hanging purposes. Great for posting at campgrounds, information centers, or for using as an award.

Woodsy Owl Pens

This retractable pen is made with a recycled paper barrel, recycled wood clip and recycled plastic collar, tip, and plunger. It comes with a medium point and black ink. The pen reminds you to "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land."

Woodsy Owl Shoelaces

These colorful 40 inch shoelaces are great for children. The shoelaces remind them to help Woodsy “Lend a Hand-Care for the Land!” every time they tie their shoes.

Woodsy Owl Temporary Tattoos

These easy to apply, nontoxic tattoos are very popular with students. They allow children to show off Woodsy’s conservation messages to their friends. Six different Woodsy Owl images are accompanied by the phrase “Lend a Hand-Care for the Land!” and can be applicable within 30 seconds with water.

Woodsy Owl Zipper Pulls

This attractive zipper pull is made of acrylic and easily attaches Woodsy’s “Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!” message to backpacks, jackets, sweatshirts, and athletic bags.

Woodsy Owl's ABC's Book - English

This illustrated book is designed to be read to young children. In classic ABC format, each page offers a letter of the alphabet, a word beginning with that letter, a rhyming phrase and an action prompt or activity. The content is related to Woodsy Owl’s core messages and encourages children to understand and care for the natural world. Printed on recycled paper.

Woodsy Owl's ABC's Book - Spanish

This Spanish illustrated book is an adaption of Woodsy Owl's ABC's book. It is designed to be read to young children. In classic ABC format, each page offers a letter of the alphabet, a word beginning with that letter, a rhyming phrase, and an action prompt or activity. The content is related to Woodsy Owl’s core messages and encourages children to understand and care for the natural world. Printed on recycled paper.