Q: How can I place an order?
A: Create a user account and register with login.gov
A: Select your favorite products
A: Add products to your shopping cart
A: Pay electronically
A: Print your invoices
A: Track the progress of your order.
Q: How do I pay for my order?
A: We accept all major credit cards, e-checks, or purchase orders if you are unable to pay with a credit card.
Q: How will my order be shipped?
A: Orders are shipped via UPS, FedEx or commercial truck freight.
Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: Orders are generally shipped within 1-3 weeks of receipt.
Q: Can I get my order quicker?
A: Yes; you may be charged additional shipping fees. Please call the Cache at 218-322-2761 to coordinate.
Q: Who can I call if I have a question regarding my order?
A: Call 218-322-2761 or email us at SM.FS.symbols@usda.gov
Q: Can an item be placed on backorder?
A: No, our new webpage does not allow us to backorder items.
Q: How do I make suggestions on current or new products?
A: Send an email to SM.FS.symbols@usda.gov. You may add a brief description and a photo of the product you would like us to consider. We appreciate and consider all product suggestions we receive.
Q: What can I do with the products I order from the Symbols Cache?
A: These products are to be distributed free of charge to the general public. You can use promotional and educational materials for local events and activities related to wildfire prevention and conservation education. Items purchased from the National Symbols Cache cannot be resold.
Q: How can I reset my password
A: To change your password, go to https://www.login.gov/ and select “Manage Account” to sign into your login.gov account. Select “Edit” next to password, enter the new password and submit your change.
Q: What if I forgot my Login.gov password?
A: To update your login.gov password go to ttps://secure.login.gov/users/password/new. Enter your email address to receive a link to reset your password. Once you follow the link, you’ll be asked to enter a new password.
Q: What if I can't remember which email address I used
A: If you can’t remember which email address you used to create your account, you can use the password reset function to see if your email address is on file.(https://secure.login.gov/users/password/new). Try to sign in as usual and ask to have your password reset. Then, enter the email address you believe you used to create your account. If we have your email address in our records, we will send instructions on how to reset your password. Check your email in a few minutes for these instruction