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Woodsy Owl 12" Wood Rulers

This 12" ruler has an inch scale on one edge and metric on the other. Made of wood.
SKU: 99457
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Woodsy Owl Pencils

Classic No. 2 wooden pencils encourage everyone to "Give a Hoot - Don't Pollute", "Be Climate Wise" and "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!" Each color represents one of Woodsy's conservation messages.

Woodsy Owl Reusable Stainless Steel Straws

Minimize your plastic straw usage with these eco-friendly stainless steel reusable straws. Each kit comes in a bag that includes the straw and a brush for easy cleaning. The color of the bag coordinates with the straw tip. The metal straw is 9 1/2" long and 1/4" diameter. Bag size is 11 1/8" x 3 1/4".

Woodsy Owl Sticker Sheets

Show Woodsy Owl your support by placing these stickers on your tumbler, water bottle, computer, windows or anywhere else. Each image is die-cut so you can place each image separately where you would like. They are on a clear vinyl sheet. You can easily remove them to place them somewhere else.

Smokey Bear Rain Gauges

Large plastic rain gauge on a stake that measures up to 6" of rain. Use as reminder to be aware of the amount of rain we have received when fire danger is high. Help spread Smokey's message "Please be careful.....Prevent Wildfires!"