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Smokey Bear

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Smokey Bear 80th Beverage Wrench (bottle/can opener) (Due back in stock (06/21/2024)

Durable aluminum beverage wrench opens bottles and cans with ease. Includes a silver split key ring .

Smokey Bear 80th Collapsible Water Buckets

This portable collapsible bucket is for carrying water. The bucket body is made of waterproof oxford, the bottom and upper circle is made of plastic. Holds 1 gallon of water.

Smokey Bear 80th Metal Cell Phone Ring Holder/Stand

This cell phone ring can be used as a cell finger holder or stand that can be used portrait or landscape.

Smokey Bear 80th Lapel Pin (Due back in stock 07/10/2024)

Proudly show your support for Smokey's 80th years of wild fire prevention. Pins are 1" diameter , soft enamel, and are embossed.

Smokey Bear 80th Cell Phone Wallet

Silicone adhesive cell phone wallet for holding your id and/or credit cards. Can be attached to cell phones, ipods, tablets and computers. Can be easily removed without causing damage to your device.

Smokey Bear 80th Button

These round metal buttons have a safety pin attachment on the back for attaching to clothing, tote bags and backpacks.

Smokey Bear 80th Wood Nickel

Share these wood nickels with your friends to commemorate Smokey Bear's 80th birthday.

Smokey Bear 80th Patch

Show your support for Smokey by wearing this Smokey embroidered patch. It can be ironed on or sewn on.

Smokey Bear 80th Push Pop Fidget Game

These push pop fidget games are great for for releasing stress. To play simply press down on the pop bubbles to make a pattern. They are silicone.