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Smokey Bear 80th Button

These round metal buttons have a safety pin attachment on the back for attaching to clothing, tote bags and backpacks.
SKU: 99494
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Smokey Bear 80th Beverage Wrench (bottle/can opener) (Due back in stock (06/21/2024)

Durable aluminum beverage wrench opens bottles and cans with ease. Includes a silver split key ring .

"I [Heart] Smokey" Wristbands

These wristbands are made of 100% Toshiba silicone rubber, imprinted with "I [heart] Smokey". Use these wristbands to get Smokey’s fire prevention messages to children.

Smokey Bear 80th Lapel Pin (Due back in stock 07/10/2024)

Proudly show your support for Smokey's 80th years of wild fire prevention. Pins are 1" diameter , soft enamel, and are embossed.

Smokey Bear Story Book Bags (Bilingual)

Bags printed with images from The Story of Smokey Bear book. They are made from recycled materials and are bilingual (English and Spanish).