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Activity Book for Smokey's Friends (Discontinued)

This eight page, black and white fire prevention activity and game book is for children 7 through 12 years of age. Perfect for classrooms and community youth groups. Book includes fire hazards exercise, forest crossword, add-a-line activity, forest word finds, picture this activity, Smokey rebus and Smokey’s five rules of fire prevention.
SKU: 95007
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Smokey Bear Story Book Bags (Bilingual)

Bags printed with images from The Story of Smokey Bear book. They are made from recycled materials and are bilingual (English and Spanish).

Junior Forest Ranger Adventure Guide- English

The adventure guide welcomes children to the world of the forest and gives them the opportunity to get involved with an array of fun and educational activities. Once the activities are completed, the child is encouraged to submit the card in the back of the booklet to the National Symbols Cache. When the card is received, the new Junior Forest Ranger is sent his or her official Junior Forest Ranger card and patch.

Smokey's Rule Number FIVE Poster - English

Smokey's Ruler Number Five Poster - Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it.

Smokey's Rule Number FOUR Poster - English

Smokey's Ruler Number Three Poster - Always watch your campfire.